How to create a tenant screening process that works

Create a tenant screening flow that works! Follow 5 customizable steps and equip yourself with the right tools to secure your perfect renter.

how to create a tenant screening flow

Take the guesswork out of tenant screening

Download your copy to start creating a process that helps you find the perfect tenant every time.

This guide will help you

attract high quality renters

Attract high intent renters

Through this guide, you will learn how to find renters who are seriously interested in your unit. Pain points we will address:

  • Avoid wasting time on non-serious renters
  • Reduce the stress in keeping track of multiple ongoing conversations

Get the full picture of your applicants

This guide will also show you how to gather information and properly evaluate potential renters. Pain points we will address:

  • Remove the hassle of manually compiling and requesting information from potential tenants
  • Eliminate the challenge of evaluating renters based on only one aspect such as Credit Score
choose the right renter for you

Stop guessing and choose the right renters

Finally, this guide will enable you to narrow down your pool of candidates to the best tenant that matches you. Pain points we will address:

  • Reduce the risk of renting to a tenant who is dishonest and may cause problems later down the road
  • Prevent the possibility of starting over your rental process due to misalignment between final candidates vs. what your unit offers

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